Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Functions of North Bridge

After CPU North Bridge is the core chipset on the computer motherboard that controls data communication between CPU and Motherboard. It runs at full processor speed. It mainly works as Memory controller and System Controller. It incorporates interface between Processor and rest of motherboard components.
Chipset is actually numbered according to the number of North Bridge. Nvidia GeForce 320M is a Northbridge /Southbridge fabrication in a single chip. Following are some major functions that are performed by the North Bridge:
Processor Support: Chipset is the major decider on the motherboard that decides which processor is supported, of what speed and how many processors are supported? Following areas are covered by North Bridge under this:
CPU Interface Socket Type: North Bridge is interfaced with the processor through host processor bus and CPU socket. No. of processor sockets are available in the market for this purpose such as Socket 7,Socket -1, Socket A etc. This socket number is decider that which particular Processor class is supported on that motherboard.

Functions of South Bridge

South Bridge is a chipset that is used for controlling I/O Functions such as USB, disk interfaces, PCI Bus, Super I/O Chip support etc. In other words it works as peripheral controller. The main feature of Southbridge is that same South Bridge can be used with different types of North bridges. It is generally located at the lower edge of the motherboard.
Following are some Major Functions Performed by South Bridge:
I/O Control: South Bridge is the key point that decides which kinds of buses, at what speed, and which features will be supported by the system. South bridge controls PCI and ISA buses and transfers information to them or from them.

USB Ports Control: USB Support on the motherboard is provided by the south bridge and which is the main interface for mostly peripheral devices.

Bus Bridge Support: Two main type of buses ISA and PCI are used in most of the modern computers. Since, there is a great speed mismatch between them. South Bridge provides the feature of connecting these two dissimilar buses. This is achieved by PCI-to-ISA bridge chip.

SPX (Sequential Packet Exchange) Protocols

It is the version of Novels’ Sequenced Packet Protocol (SPP). It is a transport layer protocol and is used by client server applications. This protocol provides a packet delivery system for third party applications.
Figure given below illustrate the structure of SPX packet.

Connection Control Flag
DataStream Type
Source Connection ID
Destination Connection ID
Sequence Number
Acknowledge Number
Allocation Number
0-534 bytes of data

Connection Control Flag: Four flags are used to control bidirectional data flow of SPX connection. If its value is 1 flag is said to be set and if its value is 0 it is said to not set. Following are four flags:

Monday, 22 July 2013

How to Download YouTube Videos?

Hello friend today I am going to tell you very special software with the help of which you can download videos from any site like YouTube. Actually this is a plugin that comes with our beloved Mozilla Firefox web browser. So the primary platform to install this plugin is Mozilla Firefox. Here are some important points about this plugin:
Plugin Name is Video Download Helper. It is a tool for web content extraction and can download videos and pictures from other sites.
It’s absolutely free and can be downloaded from official website of Mozilla (Click Here to Download)
No need to install any video downloader.
No Download Limit.
Fast Download Speed.

And one more exciting thing about this plugin is that it can also convert videos into your desired formats during download. Hence we get double benefit Download + Video Conversion.
To perform video conversion another plugin Convert Helper is also installed and can be downloaded from official site at no cost means its also absolutely free. (Click Here to Download)
Another advantage is that you can download videos as per your size means high quality or low quality.

How to Install Download helper?
Here are Some Simple steps that you can use to install and use Video Download Helper.

Saturday, 20 July 2013

Intel 8255 (Programmable Peripheral Interface)

Intel 8255 is a PPI (Programmable Peripheral Interface) and is used to interface Peripheral devices to microcomputers. It can be programmed in a variety of ways as per Programmer Requirements. It has two versions 8255A and 8255B. Both of them are similar in general description but are different in their electrical characteristics.
Intel 8255 Consists of Three 8 Bit Ports: Port A, Port B and Port C. The Port C is further divided into two 4 Bit Ports: Port CUPPER and CLOWER. These three ports are divided into two groups for the purpose of Programming:
Group A: This Includes Port A (PA0-PA7) and 4 MSBs of Port C (PC4-PC7).
Group B: This Includes Port B (PB0-PB7) and 4 LSBs of Port C (PC0-PC3).

Features of 8255A (PPI)

It is a 40 pin IC.
It Operates on single +5VDCsupply.
Power Dissipation=1 watt.
Ambient Temp. =0- 70 °C
Input Low Voltage (VIL) = Min. 0.5V, Max. 0.8V.
Input High Voltage (VIH) =Min. 2V, Max. VCC.
Output Low Voltage (VOL) = 0.45V
Output High Voltage (VOH)= 2.4V
Voltage on any pin 0.5V to 7V.
Darlington Drive Current= Min. 1mA, Max. 4mA.

Pin Description of 8255A

8 Bit Bidirectional Data Bus and goes to tri state condition if CS is high.
Chip Select Signal. 8255 is Selected if this pin status is low.
Used to select port from which data is to be transmitted or to which data is to be transmitted.
Port/Control Word Register
Port/Control Word Register Address
Port A
Port B
Port C
Control Word Register

To indicate read operation

To indicate write operation.
8 Pins of Port A
8 Pins of Port B
4 Pins of Port C LOWER
4 Pins of Port C UPPER
+5V DC Supply.
Ground Signal

Operating Modes of 8255A

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

User Defined Data Types in C++

The third type of data type in C++ is user defined. Following are some user defined data types:
Structure:  Collection of data elements grouped under one name is called Structure. Different data elements are called members and can have different data type of different length.
Struct Student
Int roll_no;
Float marks;
In this example Student is declared as Structure with members roll_no and marks. BA, BSC, BCOM are the objects of structure Student. Here roll_no is declared as integer and marks as float, which are fundamental data types.

Class: Extended version of Structure is called Class. Structure holds only data whereas class can hold both data and functions. Another concept of access specifier is also added to it which uses three keywords Public, Private, Protected. Access Specifier modifies access rights as:
Public: Public members can be accessed anywhere where object is visible.
Private:Private members can be accessed only by other members of same class or by their friend functions.
Protected:Protected members can be accessed by other members or same class, their friend functions and by elements of derived classes of same class.

Tuesday, 16 July 2013


Operating a Chip at higher clock speed than its rated clock speed is called Overclocking. CPU Clock speed is the product of FSB (Front Side Bus) Clock and clock multiplier. Overclocking is achieved by either increasing FSB Clock or Clock multiplier or either by increasing both.

Need of Overclocking
The idea behind the use of Overclocking concept is to increase the system performance at no cost or very little cost. We can Overclock a processor by just changing some settings on motherboard or in CMOS setup. The main considerable point in Overclocking is heat. Processor can only be overclocked if and only if proper cooling is there. E.g. Pentium 4 @2.0 GHz Processor can be overclocked to gain 2.2 GHz Clock speed.

Is it Risky?

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Derived Data Type in C++

The Data type that is derived from fundamental data types is called derived data type. Some of them are explained below:

 Array:  An array is a collection of homogeneous type of data. It is a named list of finite numbers of data elements. In array each data element is referenced by a set of consecutive numbers i.e. 1, 2, 3……n. If TECH is an array of five elements than its elements will be referenced as: TECH [1], TECH [2], TECH [3], TECH [4], TECH[5]. An Array can either be one dimensional, two dimensional or multidimensional.

Functions: Self contained block of program that performs a coherent task of some type is called Function. These are used because of following reasons:

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Fundamental Data Types in C++

These are those data types that are not composed of any other data types. C++ makes use of following five fundamental data types
1) Char
: This data type is used to store basic character sets. It is sometimes referred to as integer type because letters and symbols are represented in memory by the associated number codes. Table given below illustrates various types of character types along with their range.

Character Type
Size in Bytes
Minimal Range
-128 to 127
Unsigned Char
0 to 255
Signed Char
-128 to 127

2) Int:These are whole numbers and do not

Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX)

Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX) is a connectionless datagram protocol that is used by the Novell NetWare Operating System.  This protocol is the implementation of Xerox Network Systems’ IDP (Internet Datagram Protocols). It is Layer 3 protocol i.e. Network Layer Protocol.

IPX Protocol is very similar to the IP protocol. Some useful points about this protocol are as follows:
1)Unique 32 bit address is assigned to Logical Networks ranging from 0x1 to 0xFFFFFFFF (Hexadecimal).
2)48 bit node address is used by hosts, which is by default set to network card’s MAC address. Node address and network address are jointly used to identify the host on network.
3)00:00:00:00 means current network.
4)FF: FF: FF: FF is used as broadcast address.
Figure Given below Illustrates the IPX Packet.

Cheksum : Its value is set to FFFFH

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Computer Codes

1)   BCD (Binary Coded Decimal) Code:  This code is based on the idea of converting each digit of a decimal number into its binary equivalent in spite of converting the entire decimal value into a pure binary form. In this coding technique each decimal digit is independently converted to a  4 bit binary number which makes conversion process very easy.24=16 configurations are possible but only first 10 are used to represent decimal digits from 0 to 9.

BCD Code
Octal Equivalent